Bullet Journal Ideas - How to Make an Appealing Bullet Journal Page without Doodling Skills
It’s okay if you aren’t the most talented artist in the world. What you lack in skill you can make up in enthusiasm. If you use your imagination and harness your creative impulse, you too can create a fabulous journal.
So let’s talk about how you can make a wonderful journal without high-level drawing skills.
Focus on composition
If you are using a purpose-designed bullet journal, the pages will have a fixed structure, which will include space to write the date and time and other details. A well-designed layout will make the journal easy and satisfying to use.
If you’re using a blank journal, it is important to pay close attention to the layout. You could start by drawing in some dotted lines with a pencil. Don't just write from the left to the right, but divide each page into two columns to write. Keep a good gap between the columns.
Use washi tapes and stickers for great effects
Many journaling enthusiasts have a large collection of stickers, decorative tape, and stamps. These are wonderful bullet journal supplies, but they need to be used thoughtfully if you want your journal to look beautiful and stylish. Otherwise, your journal might end out looking messy and childish. You need to pay careful attention to good composition when you use stickers and washi tape.

- Washi tape can be used to make very appealing borders. it’s great for bringing colour into your journal.
- You can get all sorts of beautiful, fancy stickers that can help to add colour and to build a theme on a page.
- Arrange the stickers on the page carefully. If you use stickers without thinking it through, your page will look messy, like the scrapbook of a kindergarten student.
One idea that works really well is to stick stickers of the same theme next to all the subtitles on your page. It brings order to the page design which is pleasing to the eye.
Use interesting lettering to add beauty and style
Hand-lettering can be as expressive as illustration. Using a variety of interesting lettering styles can really add flavour to your journal design.
The parts you can use different lettering styles: to-do lists, dates, checklists, weather tracker.

Choose the right colour scheme
A well-chosen colour scheme can make your pages look stylish and harmonious. Combining different colour schemes of stickers and washi tape can add small quirky accents and details to each page.
